Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Church Looking Over the Goldern Horn

I took a boat trip to the Golden Horn today, even though it was cloudy and rainy.
The minute I saw this church, we were passing , I ran out on the deck to take a picture. Lucky me, the captain was nice enough to slow the boat down and move in closer.
The Bulgarian St. Stephen Church is famous for being made of cast iron. The prefabricated parts, weighing 500 tons , were produced in Vienna in 1893-1896 and transported to Istanbul by ship. After one and a half years' work, the church was completed in 1898.
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Shammickite said...

Lovely picture, in spite of grey skies and the rain.

isa said...

You could say that this church has been around...(travelling from Vienna :-))
Tell us more about the Golden Horn.

angela said...

Cast iron, that's amazing. It's a great photo in spite of the rain.

Dsole said...

wow, that's a beautiful building!
It's amazing how people were able to build this kind of things in the past. When I see one of this I remind of a great book I read some many years ago, called "Pilars of the earth" by Ken Follet... If you haven't read it yet I strongly recommend it to you!!
Have a nice day Oya :)

Jazzy said...

great shot and thanks for the explanation, very interesting.

Ming the Merciless said...

Happy Valentine' Day!

photowannabe said...

Oya, that's amazing. A building of cast iron. I never heard of such a thing.
In spite of the rain you got a terrific photo.

John Roberts said...

Your city has so many beautiful churches and mosques - we want to see more! This one had such an interesting story too!

Jean said...

You are so lucky to have such a beautiful city and to be such a great photographer.

BuJ said...

Ahh.. Cast Iron.. London's full of such buildings but very little people know!
Once built, these things last for centuries, but are very brittle (i.e. can't modify them and not good in earthquakes).

Lovely picture as usual!

carmilevy said...

Hi Oya. I followed your link home from Anna Carson's blog. I'm glad I did, because your photography is compelling. I especially love how you mix closeup images of the everyday with glimpses of your urban environment. Just lovely!

I'm a journalist and photographer from London, Ontario, Canada. I specialize in the scenes and images that we'd otherwise miss as we go through the paces of our day-to-day lives. As such, I tend to focus on macro images as well as glimpses of my family.

I look forward to seeing more of your work, and invite you to follow this link back to my blog for a peek at my photos as well.

E-see you again soon!

All the best,


Oya said...

Isabella, I will definetley do that.
Dsole, I have noted :)
Carmi, nice to meet you:) Thanks to Anna...

Sally said...

Yes, that's a really fascinating church.