Thursday, May 17, 2007

Boy in the Mosque

If you want to pray, it is a must to wash your hands and feet before you step into the mosque.
Therefore all mosques has this kind of fountains in front of or behind their main building.
Usually comes with the same architectural specifics.
This mosque is in Uskudar, built at the early 1500's....
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SCS said...

Gosto particularmente das cores que procuras,
e publicas.
Como impressão digital do mundo que escolhes para te rodear.

Gosto do que elas dizem de ti.

Boas viagens,
Vira Vento.

Fabrizio Zanelli said...

I like the expression of the boy. He's amazed you're taking him. He's cute :-)

pusa said...

beautiful and i like the colors, looks like this is the scene during the 1500s as well, nothings changed

Chuckeroon said...

I fine week of photos, Oya. Greetings from R u T

Chica, Cienna, and Cali said...

Reminds me so much of India and the temples and mosques there..we follow the same tradition back there , Oya.

BuJ said...

beautiful shot, General Oya :)